Vault Navigator

The Vault Navigator is available in the VQL view, to the left of the dqMan screen. You can open or close it using the Vault Navigator from the View menu or by using the Navigator button on the toolbar.

The Vault Navigator displays the document types and objects hierarchy, the favorites tree and the local tables.

Whenever a tree item is expanded, the appropriate data is fetched dynamically from the vault. Therefore, you can easily update a part of the tree by collapsing and re-expanding the parent object.


The Objects tab allows users to navigate through the available document types hierarchy (under Base Document node) and the objects hierarchy (under Vault Objects).

Create a VQL query on the fly Click the desired node in the Vault Navigator to create a VQL query for the object contents, placed in the VQL command input area without executing it. The query is created using the Default Query Template that you can modify in the Options dialog box.

View the folder content Center mouse click to create a VQL similar to the above, but automatically executed.

Context menu Right-click a object to open the context menu:

Context Menu Command
What It Does

Expand recursive

Expands all subobjects.

Tree Options

Opens the respective page of the Options dialog box to manage vault tree settings

Object Options

Lists of objects functions available for the selected tree item


Creates a dump of the currently selected type

Show fields

Shows the fields of the currently selected type

Show relations

Lists the available relationships for the selected tree item


Available only for the root nodes it allow refreshing the data from Vault

Favorites Panel

Load a favorite query Click a favorite to load the VQL query of the favorite into the VQL command input area without executing it. To execute it, use the center mouse button.

Context menu Right-click a favorite to open the context menu with the following options:

Context Menu Option
What It Does

Run Favorite

Loads the VQL query of the selected favorite and executes it immediately.

Manage Favorites

Expand all

Expands all subobjects.

Local Tables

This view displays and allows all user-created local tables to be managed.

Local tables are usually created for caching the data in a local database engine and can be queried later by using a more advanced syntax (GROUP BY, HAVING, MAX, MIN, COUNT, etc). This reduces repeated calls to Veeva Vault for working with data which is not expected to change frequently and can be cached locally, for example for development and testing purposes.

The local table serves as a direct conduit for transferring any alterations to Veeva Vault. This includes updates, edits, and deletions made to the current object or document within Vault. The status bar displays the currently active object.

For more information about creating and querying local tables see querying local tables.

Menu Option
What It Does


Refreshes the data in the selected table with the current data in Veeva Vault


Drops the selected local table


Loads the data from the local table into the grid. The query for the local table (including all fields) is added to the query editor


Automatically refreshes the local table periodically, starting on the selected date and at the specified interval

Last updated

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