Legacy Compare Data

The „Compare Data“ Function

This function is only available if at least two different data lists are open. These can be results from DQL queries from any repository or imported data lists. The assistant is described in the following sections:


First, select the two different data lists to compare from the dropdown menus. Subsequently, the comparison function is determined. The following functions are available:

What It Does

Search for identical records

Searches for identical records in both lists.

Search for missing records

Searches for missing records in both lists.

Search for different records

Searches for records that are joined by one or more columns but differ in other attributes.

You can customize the comparison using the options Compare case sensitive (which compares case sensitive occurrences) and Compare exact order of repeating attributes (repeating attributes can have the same values, but in different order).

Data Columns

The two data lists must allow correlation of the data records. At least one column of the source data list must be joined to one column of the target data list. These operations are performed in the second page of the assistant.

To join to columns, select the columns in both lists and click the button Join or drag-and-drop the desired columns onto the opposite list. To delete a join, use the context menu of the Selected Columns grid.

Selecting Search for different records causes the comparable columns to be defined additionally, which you can do using the Compare button or by pressing the Ctrl during the drag-and-drop of one column onto the opposite list.

The search is then performed for objects that can be joined by all Joins to columns, but that differ in the Compare to columns.


The results of the comparison are displayed on the last page.

The number of found data records can differ for both lists, since the criteria can be fulfilled by more than one data record.

Work with Marked Records

The result of the compare operation are displayed in the corresponding data lists. All found records are marked as such. If the function Search for different records was executed, the rows with differences are highlighted.

The marks remain until either a new DQL query is executed in the session window, a new data compare is run or the marks are removed manually using the respective function from the context menu.

You can process marked records as a group, similarly as selected data records. Object functions, export functions and the Script Generator support marked records.

To execute a function for all marked records, you must select exactly ONE cell of any marked record and start the function. Selecting more than one cell or an unmarked cell causes the function to be be executed for the selected objects/cells only.

If the compare is executed using the Search for identical records or Search for different records functions, the rows in the two grids are linked to each other. Use center mouse click on a marked record in one list to scroll the other list to the corresponding record.

If more than one record from one list is linked to a single record in the other list, repeated mouse clicks on the single record will loop through all linked records successively.

If a Search for different records is executed, the function Add to Compare List will add the selected object and all the corresponding objects to the Object Compare List in one go if only one object is selected. The Object Compare List will be cleared first.

Last updated

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