The Object Compare List

In the Object Compare List you can add single objects of any type, from any repository, for example a dm_acl object from repository A could be compared with a dm_cabinet object from repository B.

Tp add objects from the DQL query result list, call the Add to Compare List function from the context menu. There can be only one Object Compare list. All objects will be added to the same list which is automatically created when the first object is added. Closing the list removes all objects.

The attributes are aligned vertically. The object in the first column is the master object. All other objects are compared to the master object and differences are highlighted. Differences in single values of repeating attributes are displayed in red font color.

To change the master object, drag the new master object to the first column. If different object types are compared, attributes that are invalid for the object type remain grey and empty.

You can refresh the values of a column and also delete a column.

The context menu of the list offers additional functionalities, as follows:

What It Does


You can modify the values directly inside the table. A change is stored only after pressing Enter. You can modify repeating attributes inside a small sub-grid, which provides its own context menu for inserting, deleting or reordering values of the repeating attribute.


Copies all selected cells into the clipboard.

Dump Object

Dumps any valid object ID in the selected cell.


Searches for attributes in the list.

Show Attributes

All: Displays all attributes of all object types in the list. Master: Displays all attributes of the master object. Type specific: Displays type specific attributes of the master object type only. Identical values: Displays all attributes with identical values in every column. Different values: Displays all attributes with a different value in any column.

Compare settings

Compare case sensitive: Compares case sensitive. Exact order of repeating attributes: Repeating attributes can have the same values, but in different order.

Order Attributes by

Name: Sorts attributes by name Category: Sorts attributes by category, such as an object dump Not sorted: Attributes are displayed in content server generated order.

Synchronize with master

This functions enables you to copy values from the master object to compared objects. If any range of values is selected within the area of compared objects, all selected attributes (lines) will be copied to all selected objects (columns) of the list.

Normally, you can only add one instance of an object to the list. If an object is sent to the list a second time, the list entry is updated without adding the object a second time.

Sometimes it is useful to follow the changes of an object throughout its process. Therefore, you can freeze an object by clicking the button in the header of the object.

You cannot update or modify frozen objects.

Additionally, the i_vstamp value is displayed in the header.

Last updated

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