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Using Jobs, you can establish a session to any available repository. To access Jobs, click the Jobs button on the toolbar.
To log in and start open a Jobs window, either click the Jobs button on the toolbar or go to the Jobs menu and click New Jobs Window. If a Jobs window without a connection is already open, the Connect button on the toolbar/from the context menu of the root of the navigation tree/on the Jobs menu will open the login screen. Then, follow the log in procedures - for more information, see Connecting to Documentum OpenText.
To log out, click Disconnect on the toolbar/from the context menu of the root of the navigation tree/on the Jobs menu.
Jobs List Displays the Documentum jobs, which can be colored differently according to their attributes (active jobs are colored differently than inactive jobs). This function is available in the Options dialog. You can sort the Job List by clicking the desired column header. Displayed jobs are subject to the selected node in the navigation tree and the filter settings.
Navigation Tree Click repository to display Repository jobs. Click All jobs to display all the jobs of all repositories with a valid session are shown. You can hide the navigation tree, in which case the last selection stays active and governs the contents of the job list.
Filter Filter settings additionally influence the contents of the job list.
Toolbar Displays the buttons for most frequently used functions.
Status bar Displays additional information.
Available filters are displayed as tabs on top of the job list. Selecting a tab activates the corresponding filter. To add an individual filter, click the Filter button. Possible settings are:
One or more initial characters of job names. Separate multiple search expressions by semicolon, such as: dm_DM;dm_audit
All active/inactive jobs.
All running/dormant/started jobs.
All successfully executed/faulty jobs.
Jobs that are about to be executed, that have just finished or that are overdue.
A DQL predicate (the where part of a query without the WHERE expression, such as object_name like ‘dm%’ or subject such as ‘%Execute%’
Clears all filter settings.
You can combine filter settings in any way. The individual filter will be added as a tab with the label Current Filter to the filter tabs and will be available for all repositories until Jobs is terminated.
To save an individual filter or make any other changes to existing filters, click Extras menu > Filter management tool.
To configure the automatic refresh of the job list, go to the Options dialog.
Hover your mouse over single jobs to display additional information in a tooltip.
To control jobs, use the the functions on the toolbar/the context menu of the job list/the Edit menu.
Run a Job: Start the selected jobs.
Run with Arguments: Starting a job with arguments first prompts you to change existing arguments (this option is deactivated when selecting multiple jobs). If you activate the Restore method arguments option after run is activated, you can reset changed arguments to their original values after the job is completed. If Jobs is closed or the session is terminated before the next job run is completed, you cannot restore changed arguments anymore (you will be notified in this respect.
Stop a Job: When manually starting a job, it can take several minutes for the content server to execute the job, during which time you can stop the job. If the job was started using the Run with Arguments function, the original arguments will be restored immediately.
Right-click the desired job for the following options:
Create Job, then select the target repository. If called from the navigation tree, the job will be created in the selected repository. Next, configure the new job attributes. Note that new jobs will always be deactivated to prevent unwanted automatic execution.
Copy Job either within the same repository or to another repository, then define the attributes in the properties dialog. If the job method object is not available in the target repository, you can decide to copy it as well. However, the source files of the job will NOT be copied. If necessary, you may need to copy these files manually. Note that copied jobs will always be deactivated to prevent an unwanted automatic execution.
Delete Job, in which case the selected dm_job
object is removed.
Dump dm_job Object, then configure the new corresponding tab accordingly.
Dump dm_method Object, then configure the new corresponding tab accordingly.
Reset Job Status, which clears all the attributes of the dm_job
object that indicate that the job is running. Sometimes jobs are no longer linked to a running process but the status is not cleared automatically and you can clean it up by executing this function.
You can manage the following job attributes:
Activate/Deactivate: Use the job list context menu or go to the Edit menu.
Job Properties: Use the properties dialog available from the job list context menu or from the Edit menu. When finished, click Save & Run.
Method Properties: Open and modify the properties of the dm_method
object from the job properties dialog by clicking the Method Properties button next to the method name field.
You can reopen the latest job report by clicking the Report button on the toolbar. You can access up to 20 older versions of job reports from the context menu of the job list. Depending on the file type, reports will open in an external viewer. The Content Type Auto Detection can detect HTML reports and redirect them to open in your default browser.
In the XTended version, the Report button in the toolbar or the All Reports item from the context menu will open the report browser, which displays (to the left) all available reports of the selected job.
The functions on the report list context menu enable you to open reports in an external application, delete reports or truncate the reports list.
The following functions are available in the context menu:
Copies the selected text to the clipboard.
Select All
Selects the entire report text.
Dump Objetcs
Opens a dump of an objects. You must select a valid r_object_id
Search for an expression.
Find Next
Search again for an expression.
Scroll to End of Report
Autoscroll to the end when opening a report
Mark Expression
Mark all occurrences of the selected expression in the report.
Auto-wrap text at end of line.
The agent_exec
process provides you with some parameters to influence job execution. To modify these parameters, go to Session menu>Agent Exec Settings.
Changes only take effect before the agent exec process is restarted on the Content Server.
To access Options, which are are the central tool for adapting the features and functionalities of Jobs, go to the Extras menu.
Open session at start-up
Automatically opens a login screen at start-up.
Autoconnect on tree expansion
Available if login credentials are saved with passwords. Sessions are automatically created and terminated using the logins from the history if repository nodes of the navigation tree are expanded or collapsed.
Show job info hints
Displays additional job information as hint.
Report Viewer
A viewer application for job reports and dumps. If no viewer is entered, the windows default application for text files will be used.
Depending on their current status, Jobs can change colors.
The settings are additive. If an inactive job is colored with a foreground color only, and a successful executed job with a certain background color only, an inactive successfully executed job will be colored with the appropriate color combination. Otherwise, the priority in coloring is from top to bottom, as displayed in the dialog.
Clear the Colors checkbox to deactivate this option.
You can select the columns of the job list from all available dm_job
attributes. In addition, the DOCBASE column displays the home repository of the job; the NOTIFICATIONS column displays the job notification settings.
Use the arrow buttons to sort the columns.
This function refreshes the displayed jobs and their properties in the job list. The refresh interval is freely selectable:
Automatic refresh is deactivated.
Refresh occurs every 3 minutes.
Refresh occurs every minute.
Refresh occurs every 15 seconds.
Free value in seconds, the minimum allowed refresh interval is 5 seconds.
To reduce server activity, you can deactivate the auto refresh function after a certain time of user inactivity.