Repository Navigator

The Repository Navigator is available in the DQL view, to the left of the dqMan screen. You can open or close it using the Repository Navigator from the View menu or by using the Navigator button on the toolbar.

The Repository Navigator displays a cabinet/folder tree, an object type/registered table tree, a group tree and a favorites tree for the currently connected repository of the session window.

Whenever a tree item is expanded, the appropriate data is fetched dynamically from the repository. Therefore, you can easily update a part of the tree by collapsing and re-expanding the parent folder.

The Cabinet/Folder Tree

Displays all available folders and cabinets hierarchically. Configure the query templates and tree behavior in Options dialog.

Create a DQL query for the folder contents Click the desired folder to create a DQL query for the folder contents, placed in the DQL command input area without executing it. The query is created using the Default Query Template that you can modify in the Options dialog box.

View the folder content Middle click to create a DQL similar to the above, but automatically executed.


Filtering is applied only to the folders already loaded in the grid. Filtering is not applied when expanding a folder, unless the filter is reapplied.

Context menu Right-click a folder to open the context menu:

Context Menu Command
What It Does

Expand recursive

Expands all subfolders.

Dump object

Creates a dump of the currently selected folder.

List of query templates

Lists template queries defined in the Options dialog box. Templates marked with a green arrow will be executed immediately; the others will only generate a DQL query.

Create Folder

Opens a dialog box to create a folder. The folder is linked to the currently selected cabinet or folder. The name of the folder is mandatory; you can optionally assign an ACL.

Create Document

Opens a dialog box to create a document (dm_document or any of its subtypes). The document is linked to the currently selected cabinet or folder. Selecting the object type and object name are mandatory. Assigning a content file from the local file system or an ACL is optional.

Destroy Cabinet

Recursively destroys all subfolders of the currently selected folder, including all contained objects. If these objects are linked to more than one folder, you can decide to only destroy the links.

Tree Options

Opens the appropriate page of the options dialog to manage repository tree settings.

Object functions and plugin functions are also available, if they have been enabled for the Repository Navigator.

The Object Types/Registered Tables Tree

Displays the types hierarchically and lists all registered tables. Configure the query templates and tree behavior in Options dialog.

Create a DQL query for type objects or registered tables Click an object type/table to create a DQL query for objects of the selected type/rows of the selected registered table using the Default Query Template. The result is displayed in the DQL command input area without executing it. To execute it, use the middle mouse button.


Filtering is applied only to the types already loaded in the grid. Filtering is not applied when expanding a type, unless the filter is reapplied.

Context menu Right-click an object type/table to open the context menu with the following options:

Context Menu Option
What It Does

Expand recursive

Expands all subtypes.

Dump type object

Creates a dump of the currently selected type.

List of query templates

Lists template queries defined in the Options dialog box. Templates marked with green arrow are executed immediately, the other templates only generate a DQL query and place it in the DQL command area.

User Functions

Lists user functions available for the selected tree item.

Tree Options

Opens the respective page of the Options dialog box to manage repository tree settings.

Copy Registered Table

Opens the Copy Registered Table assistant and preselects the table.

The Groups Tree

Displays all available groups and roles hierarchically. Configure the query templates and tree behavior in Options dialog.

Creation of a DQL query for group objects Click a group to create a DQL query for the group using the Default Query Template. The result is displayed in the DQL command input area without executing it. To execute it, use the middle mouse button.


Filtering is applied only to the groups already loaded in the grid. Filtering is not applied when expanding a group, unless the filter is reapplied.

Context menu Right-click on root node for all groups and roles to open the context menu with the following options:

Context Menu Option
What It Does

Add Filtered View

Add a custom view for groups using a DQL statement. Views are automatically saved upon program closure and restored upon startup. Additionally, a DQL predicate hint (e.g., group_name = 'abc' or SELECT * FROM dm_group WHERE group_name = 'test') is provided to assist users. Different icons are used to distinguish between roles and groups.

Edit Filtered View

Edit the select custom view from groups using a DQL Statement.

Remove Filtered View

Remove the selected custom view from groups.

View in DQL grid

A select query is executed for the chosen group, and the results are displayed in the grid.

Expand recursive

Expands all subgroups. As the group structure of a repository is not organized hierarchically, some groups may contain each other, in which case this function will result in an endless loop.

Tree Options

Opens the respective page of the Options dialog box to manage repository tree settings.

Context menu of a group or role

Right-click a group to open the context menu with the following options:

Context Menu Option Of A Group/Role
What It Does

View user

A select query is executed for the chosen group and the results are displayed in the grid.

View ALL User

A select query is executed for the chosen group and all available users for that group are displayed in results grid.

Used in ACLs

Shows all access control lists that uses the selected group

Assign Users and Groups to this Group

A new window opens, allowing you to assign the selected group to another group, assign users to the selected group, remove it from groups, or remove users from the selected group. Additionally, you can use filtering to easily find the necessary users or groups.

Dump Object

Creates a dump of the currently selected group.

Groups -> Add a Group to this Group

Adds the selected group to another group by choosing from a predefined list.

Groups -> Create a subgroup

Creates a subgroup for the selected group.

Groups -> Drop a group from this group

Removes the selected group from another group.

Users -> Add a user to this group

You can select a user from a predefined list to add to the group you have selected.

Users -> Drop a user from this group

You can select a user from a predefined list to remove from the group you have selected.

Expand recursive

Expands all subgroups. As the group structure of a repository is not organized hierarchically, some groups may contain each other, in which case this function will result in an endless loop.

Tree Options

Opens the respective page of the Options dialog box to manage repository tree settings.

Duplicate Group Script

Creates a copy script of the selected group

Users Panel

All available users are displayed hierarchically. Configure the query templates and tree behavior in Options dialog.

Creation of a DQL query for users

Click a user to create a DQL query for the user using the Default Query Template. The result is displayed in the DQL command input area without executing it. To execute it, use the center mouse button.


Filtering is applied only to the users already loaded in the grid. Filtering is not applied when expanding a user, unless the filter is reapplied.

Context menu Right-click on root node for all users to open the context menu with the following options:

Context Menu Option
What It Does

Create user

The Create user dialog opens in a new window. It includes several features that are detailed here: Create/Edit User Dialog.

Add filtered view

Add a custom view for users using a DQL statement. Views are automatically saved upon program closure and restored upon startup. Additionally, a DQL predicate hint (e.g., user_name = 'abc' or SELECT * FROM dm_user WHERE user_name = 'test') is provided to assist users.

Edit filtered view

Edit the select custom view from groups using a DQL Statement.

Remove filtered view

Remove the selected custom view from groups.

View in DQL Grid

A select query is executed for the chosen group and the results are displayed in the grid.

Tree options

Opens the respective page of the Options dialog box to manage repository tree settings.

Context menu of a user

Right-click a user to open the context menu with the following options:

Context Menu Option
What It Does

Group to which user belongs

A select query is executed for the chosen user and the groups that a user belongs are displayed in the grid.

Create user

Edit user

Assign this User to Groups

The user assignment window opens. The requester can assign the user to one or more groups, which can be selected from a list.

Copy user_login_name

Copy user_login_name to clipboard.

Dump object

Creates a dump of the currently selected user.

Groups -> Add profile from

A window will open allowing the addition of a profile to the selected user.

Groups -> Add this user to a group

A window will open from which a group can be selected to add the selected user.

Groups -> Copy profile from

A window will open allowing the copy of a user's profile over the existing profile of the selected user.

Groups -> Drop user from a group

A window will open from which a group can be selected to remove the selected user.

Groups -> View group and role report

A dump will open displaying details about the groups and roles associated with the selected user.

Login Ticket

Copy ticket information to clipboard for the selected user.

Users -> Activate user

Activates the selected user if they are inactive

Users -> Deactivate user

Deactivates the selected user if they are active.

Users -> Delete user

Deletes the selected user.

Add to Compare List

The selected user will be added to the compare object window to be compared with another user.

Add Membership Info to Compare Data

The membership info data of the selected user will be added to the dqMan comparison tool, where it can be compared with similar data of another user.

Tree Options

Opens the respective page of the Options dialog box to manage repository tree settings.

View/Edit ACL

It will open the ACL editing and viewing window for the selected user.

Duplicate User Script

Creates a copy script of the selected user.

Create/Edit User Dialog

When you create a new user or edit an existing one, a dialog window will appear with various fields that need to be completed. The majority of these fields are detailed below:

Field Name
What It Does


The user's name as it appears on the user's home cabinet, and on items the user creates or modifies.

E-mail Address

The address to which notifications are sent for workflow tasks, and registered events.

User Login Name

The name with which the user logs in to the repository.

User Source

The authentication source.


Determines whether the user can connect to the repository. An active user can connect to the repository. An inactive user cannot.

User OS Name

The login name for authenticating the user on an operating system or on an LDAP server.

Windows Domain

The user's Windows domain, to be used if the repository is on a Windows host or on a Linux host with a domain map for Windows domain authentication.

Home Repository

The repository where the user receives notifications and tasks.

DB Name

The user's name in an RDBMS. This is used if the user is a repository owner or registers RDBMS tables

Disable Authentication Failure Checking

Allows the user more login attempts than the limit set in the repository config object.

Disable Workflow

Indicates that the user is not available to receive workflow tasks.


This authorizes the user to perform certain activities.

Default Group

The group assigned to items the user creates.

Default Permission Set

The permission set assigned to items the user creates.

Restrict Folder Access To

Restricts the user's repository access to particular repository locations.

Favorites Panel

Load a favorite query Click a favorite to load the DQL query of the favorite into the DQL command input area without executing it. To execute it, use the center mouse button.


Favorites can now be filtered from the grid. Filtering works whether the favorites are expanded or not

Manage Favorites Further details on editing and managing favorites can be found in the Favorites topic.

Last updated

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